Monday, July 28, 2008

Adventure with Chico 3/4?

The other day Chico called me up and asked to go to Ci Ci's Man Club style but the other Man Club-ees could not attend so why mad to Wyldlife style. But again none of the Wyldlife-ees could attend so it was just me and chico.

So we got to Ci Ci's and it was PACKED! So we left and ended up at GD Ritzys. It was pretty flipping good and also packed but atleast there were seats available.

After that we headed to the movies planning on some iMax Batman. Well the lady at the box office said we would have to wait another hour to get seats. Screw that so we went to see what other movies were available. Ummmm X-Files and Hellboy..... So we went with Hellboy and it was.... TERRIBLE. Worst movie I have seen in a while but oh well it was an adventure.

The next morning I went to volunteer at the Salvation Army Soup kitchen so while I was waiting for the food to get done Chico called me and asked if we needed help so I said ok why not. So he came and we served so delicious beans and hot dogs.

Well I suppose that was an adventure, well good bye.



Kat said...

Good Samaritans, Gabe :)
If it makes you feel any better, they wouldn't let us see The Step-Brother, because it was rated R. Even though, if your parent pays, you should be allowed to get in. That was not happening. Oh well....Surprised we didn't run into eachother when you guys were in the mall.

Gabe said...

It's funny because we didn't go to the mall haha.

Kat said...

he tried to say that you guys were at the mall

he's retarded...

Gabe said...

Haha I know I was there when he said that. We were just messin with you.